Enchiritos are a Tex Mex invention rather than a genuine Mexican dish but when something tastes this good, who cares about its origin! The enchirito originated in Taco Bell back in the 1960s and the name enchirito is a cross between enchilada and burrito.

This delicious enchilada burrito hybrid disappeared from the Taco Bell menu in 1999 and then reappeared briefly (without the olives on top) before being dropped completely in 2013. Apparently you might still be able to order it from a secret menu at some locations. If you want to try this delicious treat for yourself, the following recipe is a great copycat version of the original dish.

Ground beef, onions and refried beans are topped with red sauce and cheese, along with olives, and all this deliciousness is enclosed in a crisp tortilla. Make your own delicious enchirito and you can experience all the wonderful flavor without having to go to Taco Bell and ask about a secret menu they might or might not offer!

Why You’ll Love the Recipe:
The Taco Bell enchirito was a delicious dish which has been discontinued. That won’t stop you from enjoying it though, since you can make this quick and easy copycat version at home.

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How to Serve It:
Enjoy your enchiritos with rice and beans or perhaps a side salad.
Can You Make It Ahead?
No, these are quick and easy and much better served fresh.
Storage Instructions:
Leftovers will keep for up to 3 days in an airtight container in the refrigerator but they will get a little soggy.
Variations and Substitutions:
You can add some sliced jalapenos for a kick of heat or swap the cheddar for Mexican blend cheese.

Copycat Taco Bell Enchirito
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1 package taco seasoning
- ½ cup diced onion
- 2 minced garlic cloves
- 15 ounces red enchilada sauce
- 14 ounces refried beans
- ¼ cup water
- 3 cups cheddar cheese
- 8 burrito-size flour tortillas
- Sliced black olives for garnish
- Heat the oil in a skillet and then add the beef and onions.
- When it’s browned all over, discard any excess grease.
- Stir in the taco seasoning and water, and cook for another 5 minutes.
- Microwave the refried beans and then microwave the tortillas to warm them up.
- Spoon 3 tablespoons of the refried beans in the middle of each warm tortilla.
- Add 3 tablespoons of beef and then 1 or 2 teaspoons of enchilada sauce to each one.
- Fold them up
- spoon 2 or 3 tablespoons of red enchilada sauce over them
- sprinkle cheddar on top.
- Microwave for 2 minutes and then top with sliced black olives and serve hot.
- Enjoy!