Heat the oil in a pan.
Add the rice and saute until golden for about 5 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon.
Put a sieve over a bowl and pour the rice and oil through it.
Put the onion and garlic into the same pan with whatever oil is left in there and saute for 3 minutes.
Add the rice back plus 1 cup of hot water, the broth, salt, and tomato sauce.
Stir the rice with a fork - just once.
Bring it to a simmer and then turn the heat down a bit and cover the pan.
Leave the rice alone to cook for 10 to 12 minutes.
Use the fork to make a small hole through the middle of the rice until you can see the bottom of the pan.
If there’s no water left, add ½ cup of hot water.
If there is water, cook for another minute or two. When it’s gone, add the ½ cup of hot water.
Repeat this in another 5 minutes, adding more water when the original water is gone.
It should be dry again in 2 or 3 minutes. Watch the pan so it doesn’t scorch on the bottom.
Don’t stir the rice as it cooks.
Take it off the heat and fluff with a fork carefully, then serve hot.