This easy recipe will show you how to make traditional salsa verde, or green salsa. The main ingredients are tomatillos which are similar to tomatoes, and then you also have...

This is a classic Mexican recipe thatโ€™s so easy to make and even easier to eat. Itโ€™s a tasty and cozy meal that combines a selection of hearty ingredients such...

If you havenโ€™t tried frito pie before then youโ€™re in store for a real treat! This tasty dish, which is sometimes known as walking taco pie, is distinctly unique. Itโ€™s...

This classic south of the border dish is perhaps something you enjoy whenever youโ€™re at a Mexican restaurant. Theyโ€™re made of roasted green chilies, buttermilk, egg, flour, breadcrumbs, and cheese....

If you love chicken and cream cheese along with tasty Mexican recipes, you wonโ€™t want to miss this mouthwatering enchilada recipe with chicken and cream cheese! They make a wonderful...

If you enjoy Taco Bell pizza but you want to make your own, this is the best recipe to choose. Expect juicy beef, melted cheese, crispy tortillas (instead of a...

Chicken tortilla soup is a wonderful dish. Enjoy a cup of it as an appetizer or a bowlful for lunch or dinner. Chicken soup is good for the soul but...

If you are wondering what to make for dinner or you know you want to make something meaty but you arenโ€™t sure exactly what, then this easy beef taco casserole...