If you have beef, tortillas, cheese, and a few south of the border spices, you can whip up the most delicious beef enchiladas you ever tasted. This recipe is really...

Lasagna is always delicious but sometimes itโ€™s nice to tweak the recipe and try something new. This lasagna recipe has chicken along with both cream cheese and mozzarella, green chilies,...

If youโ€™re looking for a big bold flavored bean recipe, this is the one. You need a meaty ham bone along with pinto beans, garlic, onion, thyme, rosemary, and a...

Empanadas are like small pies with a tasty filling. Theyโ€™re usually savory but there are sweet versions too like these pineapple empanadas. They make a great snack or dessert, or...

New Mexico is home to some of the best enchiladas ever. A plate of steaming hot bright red sauce covered enchiladas covered with melted white cheese on top is a...

Mexican wedding cookies are buttery, nutty and crumbly. Theyโ€™re simple to whip up and everyone loves the way they melt in the mouth. Theyโ€™re made with a buttery, rich dough...

Have you ever had a Mexican pizza? This recipe isnโ€™t the crispy tortilla based pizza you can get in Taco Bell, but instead it has a pizza dough base and...

These burritos are seriously easy to make and truly tasty! If youโ€™re wondering what wet burritos are, the term just means theyโ€™re smothered in a sauce. Regular (not wet) burritos...